This light and spacious room can accommodate a maximum of 9 children between the ages of 3 and 18 months with a staffing ratio of 1 adult to 3 children. We have a designated sensory area for non-mobile children while the more mobile have plenty of space to move and enjoy more physical activities. Lots of messy and tactile activities are provided on a daily basis within a positive and stimulating environment which encourages a sense of self achievement and positivity. During this essential time of growth we believe in making each and every day different and fun. All the staff within this room are fully qualified practitioners and are mums themselves.
Another light and spacious room that can accommodate 9 children from the age of 18 months to 2 years 3 months. This room allows for increasing independence and exploration for your child. There is lots of free access to open-ended resources within a large role play area, construction and small world incorporating literacy and creativity in all areas of development. The children in this room spends lots of time in the large multi area garden and particularly enjoy the outdoor play kitchen and sand area. All the practitioners within this room are qualified with 75% of the them also been parents themselves. Staffing ratios for the under 2's is 1 adult to 3 children and for 2 to 3 year olds it is 1 adult to 5 children.
For this age group we have a dedicated out building for up to 16 children with immediate access to a small outdoor extended learning area. Within this language rich environment your child is supported to extend their vocabulary and how to express their emotions. This is a warm and cosy area where the children are allowed to explore many freely accessible open-ended resources and activities as well as those that are adult lead. We scaffold the children's learning through positive reinforcement and providing the right support at the right time during their play enable them to have a sense of achievement.
This room has a staffing ratio of 1 adult to 5 children and all the practitioners are qualified.
Our preschool have a dedicated floor that can accommodate 26 children. These children are becoming so much more independent and are encouraged with support to learn practical tasks such as putting on their own coat and shoes.
The children have definite established interests and can follow these interests through the enhanced resources that are provided and the scaffolding support of all of the qualified practitioners within the room. The play based learning includes support to learn colour, shape, number, letters recognition and letter sounds along with early reading and writing skills all within the process of aiming for school readiness when that time comes.
The staff use this well equipped room and their expertise to promote self esteem and self image to help your child become a successful learner and are provided with continuous training to keep up to date with current thinking.